Let us tune-up your system for peak performance and security. Our tune-up will make your computer run like new! Our services cover the flowing areas:
Remove unnecessary programs from starting
Update virus software and check for viruses*
Uninstall unnecessary programs
Delete unwanted and temporary files
Remove unnecessary network settings
Fine-tune display settings and set display to fit monitor window
Run diagnostic software and correct disk/directory errors
Defragment the hard drive for better performance
Many computers can be upgraded to improve performance. We can add more memory, hard disks and even change the processor. We are highly experienced in upgrading PCs and adding peripherals.
You can never be too safe these days. We can effectively locate all of your important files and back them up to CD’s or DVD’s for you. We can also recover your data from a failing hard drive.
If you detect or suspect a virus on your computer, please contact us immediately! We are experts at properly removing viruses, patching up the damage and safely protecting your files in the future.